Thank you!

A huge thank you to our friends at Ochiltree Parish Church and Community Hub who delivered sack loads of presents for families. This is the twentieth year that they have supported us at Christmas and we can't thank them enough.

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Pledge a gift for Christmas!

Every child deserves gifts on Christmas Day no matter what their circumstances are. Now imagine that your generosity has turned that sad face into a bright happy excited child on Christmas morning. Giving is the true spirit of Christmas! Can you donate just one gift...

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Join us!

Would you like to help us improve the lives of women, children and young people who experience domestic abuse in East Ayrshire? Do you have a willingness to learn, share your skills and work as part of a team? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you might be...

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The Wishing Tree

Throughout the 16 Days of Action we are asking visitors to our office and our Facebook page to leave a wish for women, children and young people living with domestic abuse. Not the cause, not to blame, not alone      

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Thank You!

  Thank you to everyone who has donated the most amazing Christmas gifts for our families this year. Special mention to the staff at Argyll House, the Spiers family (Karen, Emma and Nicole), 'Haem Team' and Ochiltree Parish Church who all gave us over 50 gifts...

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Help us raise £2,500!

  Our Board of Directors are trying to raise £2,500 at this year's Virtual Kiltwalk. Sir Tom Hunter has pledged to top up all the funds raised by an amazing 50%! If you can donate, please visit our team page here. Thank you!

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Help us get the women and children we work with online

  During lock down women and children experiencing abuse are more isolated than ever. Many families have no access to the internet. We are running a fundraising campaign on our Facebook and Twitter pages to help families get online for support, to help...

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A day in the life of an Outreach Worker …

Marion is one of our Outreach Workers working from home. Read her article for The Times about the challenges she is supporting women to face.Being an outreach support worker for Women’s Aid during the lockdown has been a strange experience. No more...

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East Ayrshire Women’s Aid takes the safety of the women and children we work with and our staff seriously.  We have made some changes recently to the way we provide our services in relation to COVID-19 (coronavirus).Supporting the safety and wellbeing of...

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Thank You Kilt Walk!

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Glasgow Kilt Walk has been postponed.  Our target was £455 which represents the number of women and children who contacted us for the first time last year. We reached our target and Sir Tom Hunter and the Kiltwalk team have...

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We (still) got platinum!

  East Ayrshire Women’s Aid were delighted to achieve platinum accreditation from Investors in People in March 2017. Of the Scottish organisations that achieve platinum, only 2% are third sector organisations and only 10 are ‘micro’ organisations of under 25 people....

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New Domestic Abuse law for Scotland!

Scotland’s new ‘gold standard’ domestic abuse legislation came into force on April 1st 2019.The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act finally criminalises psychological abuse and coercive and controlling behaviours that cannot easily be prosecuted under existing criminal law....

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We provide confidential, crisis and long-term support to women, children and young people with experience of domestic abuse.


At East Ayrshire Women’s Aid our refuges offer safe, temporary accommodation for women, children and young people.


As many as one in four women, from all walks of life and cultures, have experienced a form of abuse from a partner or ex-partner.


We provide training and awareness sessions to other service providers, workplaces, schools, community groups and organisations.

10 Croft Street
Tel: 01563 536001

30a Ayr Road
KA18 1DW
Tel: 01290 423434

Monday – Friday
9.00am – 5pm

*This office operates on an appointment only basis.

Scottish Charity No. SC001205 | Registered Company No. 396130